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Feminine Total Care

Here, we have all the solutions that women need.
Improve your condition with nutritional fluids/injections!
Increase your confidence with effective hair removal and diet!


Lante IV therapy

A bright, lively day for my busy self!

Lante IV therapy

Depending on everyone’s condition, we fill in the necessary nutrients and provide customized fluid therapy for a variety of purposes, including condition recovery, clear skin, and improvement of immunity.

Who needs Lante IV therapy?


People who need vitamin supplementation due to chronic fatigue, stress, or low immunity


People who need overall toxin removal and antioxidant action on the skin and body


People who are concerned about menopausal symptoms such as joint pain and hair loss


People who need overall skin improvement effects for elasticity, whitening, etc.


People suffering from chronic cystitis, menstrual cramps, and body pain


People who want an effective diet, such as removing excessive fat, increasing basal metabolic rate, and improving physical constitution

IV Therapy Solution

Lante IV therapy Solution

IV therapy

Solutions for
your tired
body and mind

Signature Energy IV

Baby Face IV

White Jade IV

Cinderella IV

Garlic IV

Placenta IV

Mineral IV

Painkiller IV

Anti inflammatory IV